Mocet Attendant Instructions

A brief instruction Guide to recording your attendant messages from a Moet handset.

Absolute Phone and Data > Help > Mocet Attendant Instructions

Recording Attendant greetings for a Mocet IG7600

the Mocet IG7600 offers a fairly robust attendant system with upto 10 menu systems with each offering 5 messages. Recording these greetings is fairly simple.

  • Access your voicemail by pressing * (the voicemail key for firefox users)
  • Now dial your password, Default is 0000
  • Now press *
  • Now Dial 000000


  • Dial option 3, This option is silent so just trust us
  • Dial the required location number, most likely 10002
  • Dial 1, unless the location number is incorrect
  • Press 2 to Record and # to Finish

 Attendant0 is the first attendant group and its day location is 10001, attendant0's night location is 10002

Attendant1 uses 10006 for day and 10007 for night